There are several blood thinners and alcohols related to mixing alcohol and blood thinners. Alcohol affects how well your blood clots, potentially negating the effects of the blood thinners or increasing them to a dangerous level. Further, alcohol can affect how long it takes for your body to process blood thinners. This can cause the medication to stay active for longer and have a greater effect than it should. Alcohol can also cause underlying health problems that affect the liver, which plays a vital role in how blood thinners work and how blood clotting occurs. Blood thinners limit coagulation, which prevents blood clots from forming.

Is wine good for thinning blood?

Alcohol isn't safe to use as a blood thinner. Not only can it increase your chance of having a bleeding stroke, but in large quantities it also puts you at greater risk for: injuries due to falls, motor vehicle accidents, and other types of accidents.

The quick answer to this question is yes, alcohol does act as a blood thinner. Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol can help prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of a heart attack, but there are a few risks as well.

Xarelto Bleeding Lawsuits

However, since thinners and alcohol can both act as anticoagulants, it’s possible to cause them to potentiate, leading to bleeding complications or low blood pressure. Xarelto is a commonly prescribed oral blood thinner used to prevent blood clots and strokes. An estimatedtwo to three millionAmericans take blood thinners such as Xarelto. Xarelto treats health conditions like atrial fibrillation , which affectsup to six million peoplein America.

As described in the main article, alcohol consumption, even at moderate levels, may interfere with the activities of many medications prescribed for such conditions. In addition, however, alcohol use may contribute to or exacerbate certain medical conditions. Most people who consume alcohol, whether in moderate or large quantities, also take medications, at least occasionally. As a result, many people ingest alcohol while a medication is present in their body or vice versa.

What to Limit When Taking Blood Thinners

However, it’s worth noting that thinning the blood may increase your risk of a different kind of stroke called a hemorrhagic stroke. Plaque build-up can cause blockages in your blood vessels that can swell and burst. In fact, a BMC study found that the anticoagulant effects of moderate alcohol use could reduce your risk of ischemic stroke. Other risks of mixing Xarelto and alcohol include anincreased risk of experiencing a stroke, falling and injury to the body. The goal of blood thinners, such as Xarelto, is ultimately to prevent strokes and to prolong one’s life. The misuse of alcohol in combination with blood thinners is risky.
